Friday, July 16, 2010

Dreamweaver Email Forms?...AGHH?

Experienced web designers I need your help! I have designed a site in dreamweaver and everything looks great. The only problem I keep having is trying to get my form to email the results ( I have tried everything! Bought php %26amp; form to email dreamweaver extensions and tried jmail) I have constantly been unsuccessful.

I have used frontpages forms before, and have NEVER had a problem with recieving email results.

Does anyone else have suggestions? Do you think its possible for me to make the form page in frontpage as well as upload it through frontpage and tie it to my dreamweaver site?

Dreamweaver Email Forms?...AGHH?
I would need to see the generated code. If you are using PHP, its a simple call to the mail function. (see source.)

Basically, it will be a form in html which will submit to your php script which will process the post information into the mail() function.

Provide a little code, and we can take a look at it.

The other option is to use a purely javascript form, but I've never been a big fan of client side mailing forms. Its best to queue those messages to be processed at a later time using a server script.
Reply:don't you change the submit button action to mailto: and then follow this with the email address to be sent to

note you must have an email client (outlook) on the machine your are trying to send the email from

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