Tuesday, July 20, 2010

When i received any email i cann`t read it becasue there are flag was put it on the top of message how can it?

there are flag in my email is in thw top and i cann`t read any email if only i open it and do encoding to the the email to read it i want when i recevid any email i can know from where and what it in this email.it`s very imprtant please.

When i received any email i cann`t read it becasue there are flag was put it on the top of message how can it?
try to login from here for faster and error-free access



It seems you are using new yahoo mail, which needs latest browsers.For error free emailing use yahoo mail classic

Use the below link to return to yahoo mail classic and click yes ,when it asks for "opt out"


for co.in account,


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