Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Just received email?

I have been away overseas for about a year working. I have stayed in touch with all my kids, but my oldest is the closest. I just rec email from her saying my xwife is tellin her she got an email from me saying i was not coming home. My daugther who is 16 wants to come live with me, I say sure. I emailed her back and said I never sent such an email and that I will be there. She was very upset, but I did not send such an email. What can I tell her??

Just received email?
Well you already told her you didn't send the email.

Don't stress it's not that big of a deal. If you can call long distance, call her perhaps, and let her hear the honesty in your voice. Tell her you love her and you want her to come live with you. She's your daughter and shouldn't believe what your ex wife says.
Reply:i think u should talk to ur ex wife, it is wrong what she is doing..kids don t need that...

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