Sunday, August 22, 2010

Deleting email addresses before forwarding?

I figured out how to delete email addresses of the people that are included in the email sent to me before I sent them on to someone else, however after I have delete those addresses, if there is picture embedded in the body of the email such as .gif or .jpeg, when I foward the email on, the pictures are not included with the email.

Deleting email addresses before forwarding?
If you are deleting the addresses by process of "copying and pasting" the body onto a new email------then the pictures won't transfer.

If you will just click on forward----NOT "as inline text" and NOT "as an attachment"------just plain old FORWARD----you can highlight those previous addresses and press the delete key on your keyboard and they are gone in a flash.

This has absolutely no effect on the body of the mail (where the pictures are embedded) and you can send as usual. Test it by sending to yourself.

If the pictures don't transport----it ISN'T because the addresses were erased.

Only the outgoing mail will be changed---original remains unaltered-----but a copy of the changed one will be in your sent folder----look and see.
Reply:i did as you suggested... but after highlighting the names i still can't delete them.....any suggestions ?? Report It

Reply:you cant, there is a bug in the system

horse teeth

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