Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dumped by email....?

Okay so I got the boot through an email. My ex has always had a problem expressing her feelings. She is also going through a tough time right now since her father passed away four months ago and she has alot to deal with. She also has low self esteem and told me how she has not been happy for a very long time. She is in therapy right now for these issues. Actually the day after she saw the therapist I got the dump email. So anyway she rights this email dumping me saying how she needs time to figure out her own life and can not be happy with another person until she is happy with herself. She asks me to not hate her and apologizes for "doing this" in an email. I replied, knowing all she is going through, that its okay that she did it in an email. I told her that I understand the our relationship is over and do not hate her, but while she wants to be friends I can not do that because I need time to get over her... So in this situtation what do u think of me being email dumped?

Dumped by email....?
Probably the easiest way for her and certainly you acted like a gentleman about it. With her instability, the only way she could be brave enough.

Congrats on being kind and understanding.

You do not need to be friends with her, not now, not ever, she clearly is not thinking of your needs. Invest your energies in other friends.
Reply:You're too good for her. She'll find someone who is suitable soon, who will treat her like what she's worth (trash.) Report It

Reply:lol... I think it's classy... or not.

There's much to be said about the ethics of break-up through e-mail. Though you do mention that your ex is going to a lot, women are known to be able to fake their feelings, and she may not have been happy with you from before her father passed away.

All in all, some things are better left unsaid.
Reply:First of all you make up a lot of excuses for her. OK she has a lot of issues but does that make it OK for her to walk right over the top of you. You need to get more of a back bone don't let people treat you like that. I guess what I am saying is no it is not OK to be dumped by email I don't care what the heck her problem is you deserve better. Next time look for someone with more compassion That isn't just focused on them self.
Reply:well, by not facing you and telling you to your face..... is very bad... on her part. How can there be any closure like that? Her therapist probably wouldn't recommend an email break up. It's just an inappropriate way to go about it.
Reply:Poor You!
Reply:If that is how the gurl had to do it then let it go, you already now that she was having problems. You should also let her know that you all can't be friends just yet. Tell her that you need time to heal your open wounds.
Reply:That's like getting a "dear john" letter. It stinks. And it the cowards' way out. You can do better. She sounds unstable and a tad selfish.

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