Thursday, August 19, 2010

Someone using my son's email address?

My son has an email address which I monitor everyon now and then. I just recently checked his email and saw that there were friend requests from "Friendster". I followed the link and saw that someone created a page in "Friendster" who is from another country and is a female teen. The only thing is that she is using my son's email as her user id. I thought it was a typo on her part when she entered her email and tried contacting the webmaster for "Friendster", but there was no contact information link. Maybe I shouldn't have done it, but I deleted the page. But a few hours later that person created a page again in "Friendster" and still used my son's email. How can I get them to stop that?

Someone using my son's email address?
sounds like one of his friends is doing it leave the page up and monitor it for a week and see what happens

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