Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Registering with PERFECT WORLD email activation help?FROM PERFECT WORLD PLAYERS ONI PLS.?

ive just joined perfect world,i gave it my email,from yahoo,and it did not send any activation email.my brother also had the same problem. Bcos i signed up late in the nite(past 12am),i thought that if they would not send the email,i thought they would sent it today(sign up yesterday).but when i checked my mail,there was't any email activation email again! how cold this be?should i sign up again?or wat?give me ur opinoin.


Registering with PERFECT WORLD email activation help?FROM PERFECT WORLD PLAYERS ONI PLS.?
Log onto the Cubizone website using the name and password you gave when you registered. You should be in a section titled 'Member's Area:Home'.

Scroll down and click on 'Game Activation' then on 'Games List'. When the Games List page loads you'll see an option for Perfect World. Click the 'Activate' button next to it. You should now be able to log on and play Perfect World.
Reply:try looking in the spam folder... or try resending it...

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